What are we going to learn today

  1. where to store our code (github)
  2. how to edit our code (gitpod)
  3. a little bit about the Terminal
  4. nothing else needs to make sense today. In future classes we will circle back on all the confusing parts

Let’s get set up

  1. signup for github

    use your school email address

  2. signup for gitpod

    “signup with github”

go to github & create a new repo

  1. at the top right click the plus sign & then new repo
  2. fill the form
    • repository name: class-notes
    • then click create repository

now open this repo in gitpod

  1. navigate to: https://gitpod.io/workspaces
  2. click new workspace
  3. take the url of your github repo (something like https://github.com/jdraths/class-notes) & paste it in the form
  4. press enter

it might take a while to load, but you should be taken to a gitpod url like: https://jdraths-classnotes-vyq8gxqpi9i.ws-us62.gitpod.io/

fully loaded looks like this: Untitled

ok, next, change your gitpod to dark mode

  1. Click the settings wheel at the bottom left & then click Color Theme

    • choose any of the dark themes


  2. Congrats, you’re a hacker now

Let’s build a blog

first something about Terminal

  1. pwd
  2. ls

Ok, let’s get create our blog via the Terminal

npx gatsby new class-notes https://github.com/gatsbyjs/gatsby-starter-blog

A directory mishap we need to fix

  1. class-notes is the name of your gatsby blog…

    • … but it’s also the name of our current directory… remember pwd
  2. once install is complete…

    • ls again… now what
    • we have class-notes inside of class-notes

fixing our directory mishap

$ cd class-notes
$ pwd
# ⇒ /workspace/class-notes/class-notes
  • see?

so we need to move everything in the second class-notes into the 1st class-notes… this is just something annoying about gatsby & gitpod not working well together…

  1. so, first cd back up one directory ⇒ cd ..
    • pwd to see where you are… it should be /workspace/class-notes
    • and if you ls then class-notes should be the child folder…
  2. mv class-notes/* .
    • this means move everything in the class-notes child into the current directory (. means current directory, * means wildcard, aka everything)
  3. now mv class-notes/.* . (notice the extra period this time)
    • this command moves hidden files… don’t worry about why yet.
  4. now ls -a class-notes to see if anything is still in the child (the -a means all files including hidden files…)
    • as long as it’s empty then ⇒ rm -rf class-notes to delete it

ok, now we have one class-notes folder without a child class-notes. We’re cooking!

Let’s push our code up to github so that we save our progress

  • if you see this in Source Control… that’s wrong… refresh your screen; I think we confused gitpod with the duplicate class-notes folders


commit & push (via the Source Control UI)

Go check out your github profile

it’s something like: https://github.com/jdraths

omg we have code on github…

omg our github profile shows some green boxes!

Ok, let’s run our blog locally

  1. open package.json for a little familiarity

    • look at scripts & start
    • (this is typical for react apps) - You’ll learn more about this later

    for all the objects in scripts you can run npm run [whatever]… so rn, run npm run start

NICE, now let’s start editing

  1. in our preview you can see we have three blog posts already generated for us


^^^ New Beginnings, My Second Post! & Hello World… let’s change these

  1. navigate to content folder


  2. let’s go to hello-world & change the file

    • “My Name is _____”

    • save & flip back to your other tab:


other changes that should be made on your own or in future classes

  1. update gatsby-config attributes for siteMetadata, gatsby-plugin-feed’s title, & gatsby-plugin-manifest
  2. update the favicon… need to google how to do this
  3. update Seo title=
  4. add a createPost script - that should be it’s own blog post explaining this
  5. add an about me page
  6. styling changes… we have a post for this
  7. add emoji support… need to google this