Lesson Plan

Create a new Typescript replit: https://replit.com/

Call it Cashier.

We are going to create a javascript function that takes a shopping cart & adds up the total price of your cart.

Let’s work through everything step-by-step below:

1 - define items to buy

A. Items should be Javascript Objects with the format:

const myItem = {
  name: "", // a string
  price: 1.25, // some number

B. Define 5 items to buy. Give them the attributes name & price.

2 - add items to your shopping cart

A. Your shoppingCart should be a Javascript Array of your items…

B. Put at least 5 items in your shopping cart.

const shoppingCart = []; // <-- put your items in here

3 - Calculate the Total Price of items in your shopping cart

A. You should create a Javascript Function called calculatePrice

B. Functions look like:

function calculatePrice() {
  // function logic goes here

C. setup that function now.

3A - How can we calculate the total price of shoppingCart

A. First, your shoppingCart is an array so we can look at the array documentation here

B. These docs can be dense until you get more familiar… so let’s jump ahead to the Array function we’ll use: .map()

C. Click “Run” on the “Try It” box here to see what map does

D. The example at the link could be rewritten:

const array1 = [1, 4, 9, 16];

// Pass a function to map
const map1 = array1.map(x => {return x * 2});

// Expected output: Array [2, 8, 18, 32]

E. All I did was add Brackets {} inside the map. The Brackets tell the computer that you might be doing lots of things. For instance, you could also change the value of another variable:

const array1 = [1, 4, 9, 16];
let sum = 0;
// Pass a function to map
const map1 = array1.map(x => {
  console.log("in the map I am: ", x);
  sum = x + sum;
  console.log("at this point the sum is: ", sum);
  return x * 2

// Expected output: Array [2, 8, 18, 32]
// Expected output: 30