Last Week

Last week we:

  1. created a github account
  2. created a gitpod account
  3. generated a gatsby blog template with the command npx gatsby ...

Remember, github is for hosting your code. Gitpod is for editing your code. After you edit your code on gitpod you need to push the changes to github in order to save them.


  1. sign back in to gitpod
  2. push our changes to github
  3. run our site
  4. edit it. see class 3 part 2

Let’s go

Sign In to Gitpod

Use your github login gitpod-signin

If you’re not signed in to github already then you’ll get a pop up. Sign in to github. github-popup

(If you can’t remember you password reset it in the popup).

After login gitpod should have taken you here If not, navigate there directly. gitpod-workspaces

Click on “Inactive Workspaces”.

You should have one inactive workspace called something like “Class-Notes”. This is the workspace we created last week.

You’ll notice in the 4th column it will say you have 28 changes. These are the changes that were auto-generated by the npx gatsby new class-notes command last week. inactive-workspace

IMPORTANT: Normally we would not leave changes in our gitpod. Gitpod deletes workspaces automatically, any changes left in your workspace will also get deleted. Normally you would push your changes from gitpod to github every day, but last week we ran out of time.

So to fix this bad practice we are going to push our current changes, right now.

Push your current changes from gitpod to github

First we need to open last week’s workspace.

Click the kebob (yea that’s what it’s called) on the far-right side of your workspace & then click Open. open-workspace

Once your workspace (it might take a minute) is loaded you should see this:

btw, sometimes my workspace loads incorrectly & looks jumbled. refresh your browser window to fix that


Ok, we need to push our 28 staged changes. In the left-nav of your workspace you’ll see an icon showing you there are 28 changes. 28-changes

click that ^^^ icon & you’ll see this: staged-changes

This section of your left-nav is called Source Control. We’ll learn more about it later, but some things are already obvious:

Source Control tracks your changes that have not yet been commited

There is a ton of nuance in what that means. We’ll learn that nuance later.

For now, let’s commit those staged changes.

Click the down-caret to the right of Commit & then click Commit and create pull request commit-and-push

Oh shoot I forgot something: stage-changes-prompt

For now, just click yes. We’ll explain later.

An editor window will pop-up. This is where you’ll enter a commit message commit-message-prompt

It’s important to enter a descriptive commit message. Your future self will thank you.

So enter your commit message (leave all the green text): my-commit-message

Then close that editor window (click the little x): close-window

I have a feeling I forgot something about permissions here… But I recorded permission issues here

Go check out your github profile

it’s something like:

omg we have code on github…

omg our github profile shows some green boxes!

Ok, let’s run our blog locally

open package.json & let’s start learning.

First, you’ll need to click on the File Explorer tab (top-left) in the left nav. Then click on the package.json file in the file explorer: file-explorer

It will look like this: package-json

Scroll down to line 42 & look at scripts: line-42-scripts

  • (this is typical for react apps) - You’ll learn more about this later
  • for all the objects in scripts you can run npm run [whatever]

so rn, let’s run npm run start (see line 46). We can guess that this will run our blog locally.

To run npm run start navigate to your terminal (it’s in the bottom of your gitpod): where-is-terminal

It looks like this: terminal

type npm run start: npm-run-start-first

then press enter. Oh shoot, forgot something again: ERROR-sadness

our folder structure is a little unusual (which we’ll fix later). We need to navigate into our blog… which is called class-notes. So type cd class-notes. then press enter. cd-class-notes

now type npm run start

now navigate to the Remote Explorer to view your running app: remote-explorer

click the little globe: globe